PURCHASING/WAREHOUSE — Marion County Sheriff's Office


Acquisition Services

The Purchasing Division is a support division that is responsible for providing the Marion County Sheriff’s Office with high-volume purchasing functions to support all divisions of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and the Marion County Jail. We are a service oriented division that is charged with providing superior customer service to fellow employees as well as vendors that conduct business with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. While maintaining a high degree of integrity and trust, we strive to protect taxpayer dollars by conducting our business through a competitive quote and bid system. Vendors that desire to conduct business with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office are encouraged to contact Director Wendy Calhoun at any of the numbers listed below. We always welcome new vendor relationships.

Our volume purchasing allows us to stock our Central Warehouse with items that include, but are not limited to, office supplies and printed forms, all officer uniforms and duty gear along with a large array of other items necessary to maintain all officers and divisions in a state of readiness at all times. We stock inmate hygiene items, janitorial and chemical supplies and all food items that are maintained at adequate levels to handle emergency situations such as hurricanes.

All property assets are maintained by the Property Control Officer. A capital asset item is defined as an item that cost $5000.00 or more and must be tagged and tracked annually. Capital asset inventories are conducted and reconciled on an annual basis. The Property Control Officer is also responsible for balancing the capital asset reports against the Fiscal Division expenditures on a monthly basis.

The mission of our division is to provide high-quality goods at the most economical prices in compliance with governmental purchasing standards, save taxpayer dollars through the use of good stewardship practices, maintain adequate stock in the warehouse, and perform and reconcile perpetual inventory of all capital outlay items.