MCSO has established the Special Details Coordinator to coordinate these requests Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The coordinator can be reached by calling 352-369-6844 or emailing
All Special Details provided by MCSO deputies must be within Marion County.
Currently, the MCSO rate for off-duty services is $65.00 per hour per deputy and $75.00 per hour per deputy for county approved Federally recognized holidays. For escort services there is an additional fee of $10.00 per vehicle per deputy, and 44.5 cents per mile per deputy. Our agency imposes a three-hour minimum of pay for all details. For example, if your organization only needs a deputy for 1 ½ hours, you will be charged $195.00.
Holiday Schedule:
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Hiring Procedure
Download Special Details request form and agreement or call the MCSO Special Details Coordinator. BOTH must be completed, signed and should be returned to the coordinator within a reasonable time to make efforts to fill your request.
Upon receipt of your request and agreement, the coordinator will contact you in order to verify the information and obtain specific details, if needed.
An invoice for prepayment will be generated once the job has been approved for scheduling.
Payment Methods
Full payment shall be submitted prior to the date of scheduled event. Payment may be made by check or money order to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Post Office Box 1987, Ocala Fl. 34478.
Any services rendered in addition to scheduled hours, your company will be invoiced, and payment shall be made within 15 days of the invoicing date. Services will be suspended if payment is not received prior to the date of the detail.
Any refunds that may be necessary will be issued after the event has passed.
As referenced above, deputies will receive a minimum payment of three hours worth of pay for any detail of less than three hours duration.
NOTE: Non-compliance with the payment policy, without prior arrangements through the coordinator, will result in agency-initiated cancellation of the contract and may be subject to temporary or permanent suspension from receiving off-duty law enforcement services.
Staffing Requirements
If it is determined that the size of the event warrants, or that deputy safety is an issue, extra deputies will be required, to ensure safety and efficient law enforcement coverage.
Cancellations must be confirmed within a reasonable time, failure to do so allows the Sheriff, at his discretion, to bill for the 3-hour minimum. During normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 am - 5 pm), call the coordinator at 352-369-6844.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the employer to notify the Special Details Coordinator if the business or organization will be closed for a holiday or for any other purpose when off-duty deputies are normally scheduled. If employer fails to notify the coordinator that deputies are not needed that day, the normal minimum charges for the assignment will apply.